Entry details

Weidner, CI et al. (2014) "Aging of blood can be tracked by DNA methylation changes at just three CpG sites." Genome Biol. 15(2):R24 (PubMed)

Cited by (in linked databases)

  1. Hypomethylation of ABHD14A is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
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  5. Hypermethylation of ALX4 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  6. Hypomethylation of ASPA is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
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  12. Hypermethylation of C10orf82 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  13. Hypomethylation of C3orf18 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  14. Hypomethylation of FLJ36268 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  15. Hypomethylation of CBX7 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  16. Hypermethylation of FLJ40365 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  17. Hypermethylation of CD164L2 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  18. Hypomethylation of CD274 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  19. Hypermethylation of CCRK is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  20. Hypermethylation of CDKN2A is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  21. Hypermethylation of BRUNOL6 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  22. Hypomethylation of CHRNE is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
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  24. Hypomethylation of CLCN6 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  25. Hypomethylation of COL8A2 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
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  27. Hypomethylation of CTSZ is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  28. Hypomethylation of CX3CL1 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  29. Hypermethylation of DES is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  30. Hypermethylation of DLX5 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  31. Hypermethylation of ECEL1 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  32. Hypomethylation of EDARADD is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  33. Hypermethylation of ABHD9 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  34. Hypermethylation of RBM35B is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  35. Hypomethylation of F5 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  36. Hypermethylation of FAM46B is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  37. Hypermethylation of FEV is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  38. Hypermethylation of FLT4 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  39. Hypomethylation of FUT3 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  40. Hypomethylation of GBP1 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  41. Hypermethylation of GCM2 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
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  43. Hypomethylation of GIT1 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  44. Hypermethylation of GLRA1 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  45. Hypermethylation of GPR25 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
  46. Hypermethylation of GREM1 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
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  49. Hypomethylation of IFI35 is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
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  52. Hypomethylation of ITGA2B is positively correlated with age Digital Ageing Atlas
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